Once, Mário Schenberg told me that our greatest wealth is our difficulties, our shortfalls. They are the stimuli we need to do something (Pedro Mendes da Rocha)
The Mario Schenberg Institute prioritizes the dissemination, information, education, extension, and application of science and technology produced by Brazilian researchers and educators. Here, you will have the opportunity to develop and share knowledge and skills to find practical solutions to the issues facing our country and, as often as possible, other countries go through as well.
If you believe that scientific knowledge is a basic right for all citizens, join us on this journey toward scientific and technological sovereignty for the benefit of sustainable human development.
Biomédica, Neurocientista, Pesquisadora (Neuro/Saúde Pública), Professora e Divulgadora Científica (@mellziland @redeanalise @todospelasvacianas). Fundadora do Instituto Mario Schenberg.